Saturday, January 30, 2010


This blogging always has me reading a lot. Just this week Liz at; In a nutshell out of order, had me go up to the attic to find my old Fairy Tale books. I am reading Brothers Grimm now once again. Liz, my personal Fairy Tale for now is, Jorinde and Joringel. Although my favorite used to be, 'Duimpje de wereld in'. i will translate that some time, as it is rather fitting.
Today i got a comment that just said; Belle of Amherst. I still don't know what the comment reverts to. (Thanks for the nice music, Ghost) But Belle of Amherst is Emily Dickinson. I own an edition with all her poems. i don't own many books, beside field guides for flowers. To me it is interesting, that i actually own the book. I have not opened it for years????
And for just looking go to Anja
She has a beautiful! photo of the moon.
And in the middle of typing this all i go outside to see the moon. It is up! and there is a brilliant star right below it.
As i haven't written the post i intended to write tonight, i do like to add here. That i feel so good that i found my old self back, the one that is always running around getting excited by way too many things. Thanks! and see you, gotta go

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Reading a lot! It always warms my heart to hear people say they are reading. Emily Dickinson. This is so good.
