Sunday, January 24, 2010

one out of three

You know what happened yesterday!!!
After writing my post and talking about the headwaters of the Mendenhal River, Don said to me to me; do you want to come to Hutshi Lake tomorrow?
Hutshi Lake is the headwaters of Taye Lake.
To me that would be how miracles work, you put an idea out there and somehow it happens.
Only it did not happen :) but it almost did!
Well i did come along with him and his hunting partner, only we decided to take another direction. Can you guess?.... Yes,the Mendenhall River Meadows again. We reach the river at sunrise Just before the river, we meet some other hunters. Three of them from Australia. I like that, don't you? From all that heat down under, they are here in the middle of the snow up north.
Oh this post should have been called two out of four. Because after a few hours another surprise takes place. You maybe know by now, how my husband used to be; it had to be always his idea. Anyway he lets me show him the bridge over Pond Creek.
So at one point he lets me take the lead on my skidoo, and i have to guide them to this bridge. There is a trail, but it is narrow and not broken, as in, nobody has travelled on it this winter. We can't cross the creek without that bridge, because the creek is emerald green, lots of overflow, water on the ice. On this narrow trail we follow that now beautiful green creek. And i do find the bridge. It's under water!
Not much and we sail over it. Across we even find Bison tracks. No Bison though, which is what we are hunting.
We do search for another few hours, but no luck. But it is a wonderful day, above us blue sky and it is warmish weather. The weather did change from snowy to sunny today and weather changes sometime come with wind.
When we arrived home there was 'music' in the yard.

Not a very good picture, as the music was slow and soft, but the snow from the trees is coming down!


  1. Sounds like you all enjoyed a perfect day out there!! The photos help us understand what is must be like. It is good that things are going well for you.

  2. Jozien the pathfinder! Way cool.

    Hunting bison, hunting anything gives me a strange feeling. When I was a boy I liked it. Now it is not appropriate for where I live, not at all. I imagine life on the Mendenhall is very different in this way.

  3. Not a good picture?
    I must disagree.
    It takes me right to the scene.
    The sunglare is perfect.
    Snow on trees and billowing underfoot is an experience I enjoy.

  4. Most of the world started out as hunter/ alot of city people can't do that... so they resort to hunting the best barbeque or hunting the best tie, best jeans or the best pair of running shoes. And they wonder why they are so unhappy.
    Enjoyed your day out. It is always good for the soul to be out in the wilderness....where everything is to see and do and not buy.

  5. Thank you all!!

    And crow, 'billowing snow' thanks thats the word i was looking for.

    And about hunting, whatever we are hunting, to know that it is all a tremendous gift, even if we don't find what we are looking for. And yes nature does that to me, it rejuvenates my soul.
