Saturday, September 26, 2009

black clouds

Today i went wood cutting with Don, my husband.
Wood is our only source of heat in the house is.
I haven't gone with him for a long time,
It's not that i don't like wood cutting. Actually i love it.
I love being in the dark mossy spruce forest. He cuts and i load the wood, clean up, and wander around a bit. Today the wind picks up, i sit in the moss, have some tea among the swaying trees and all the creaking noises.
I also collect some pieces of bark for my paintings.
I use dead poplarsand just peel of the bark.
When i walk home there is one of those black clouds in the North-East again.
With the sun shining.I didn't go with Don for a long time because,
sometimes when Don and i work together, we create these black clouds. Things have improved lately. The secret: K I S S-kissing, keep it super special kissing. :)
And you know what; that wood too will make us hot many times.
Cutting, loading, unloading, stacking, splitting, bringing in and at last; burning in the woodstove in our home.


  1. wauwwwwwww
    wat woon jij daar mooi
    de vrijheid, de schoonheid, de weidsheid
    alles onder handbereik
    de jaargetijden maken het leven daat tot een feest
    ik ben jaloer op je

    groetjes Willem

    ps nog gefeliciteerd met je Nina

  2. The last several posts have been a wonderful look at your life in the late fall for you. It is not yet really fall here, just not summer anymore. I look at your leafless trees and then go out thankful for my sunset maples which will soon be bright red but are still vibrant green. My dogwood looks tired though.

    On the trellis where it was full last year, my jasmine has recovered from the snow and now has reached the top. I don't know why it dies completely back. It didn't before. It has done this a couple times now. A couple years back, house finches built a nest in it, which I loved because the nest was just the right height for me to peek in, but it wasn't stable in the vines and the new chicks fell out. The cats cleaned up.

  3. Thank you Willem, i know :) and thanks for reminding me about Nina's birthday.
    Thanks Christopher, and i am glad your Jasmine recovered, you know i love Jasmine.:)

  4. Oooh . . . I know all about those black clouds, they often come on when my husband and I are out getting firewood as well. Not a job I like because the noise/smell of the chainsaw is overpowering and I am always stressed because of the danger.
