Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wild Strawberries

mmmmmmmmm... i picked two cups. One for winter (in the freezer now) and one for dessert and i ate some, like the ones i took a photo of. Their size half an inch or 1.5 cm.
I don't want you to think now...
Some even think one is crazy to pick anything that small,
I know i am crazy, but there is more wild strawberry pickers out there, yes?

I will also post them on my Yukon Wild Berries blog.

Yet another blog i have, which really i have to work on some more. I have more pictures on file, of the different stages of the plants, that i want to add.

Anyway, i picked for over an hour. Which says two things; That it does take a long time to pick any amount. And it does say; really i am not much of a picker, i know people who pick for hours loving it.

And it is not that the bugs chased me away. Today they were much better behaved, maybe you scared them Christopher, thanks.
Also thanks for the birds and Dragonflies, who were around me.
I even did some gardening today, that is watering and weeding in the vegetable patch.

No photo, but worth mentioning,
A Sulphur is on the wing. I saw it first two days ago, a beautiful, rather big, bright yellow, butterfly.
Lifting my spirit.


  1. I picked about two ice cream buckets of them last year! Froze a lot to make smoothies. None out here yet though!

  2. Yum, indeed. Last year I took advantage of Costco and hothouse strawberries and ate a ton. This year I haven't needed to have any, but I was picking and eating fresh boysenberries and marionberries off an arbor I know in the last couple days.

  3. Hi Kara, can i pick with you?
    You must be an amazing berry picker.

    I never had fresh boysenberries and what are marionberries?

  4. I was picking mulberries off a tree the other day... but barely got enough to fill a tiny container!

    I think I'm going to try to make jelly, mixing them with blackberries. I'm freezing them for now.



  6. can I have one of those strawberries :-)?
