Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Kathleen lake

Yesterday my birthday.(49)
And a day it was, a birthday my favorite way.
It was hot! 30 degrees C (almost 90 F) and i got to swim (Yukon plunge).
As you who know Kathleen Lake, right under the King's Throne, (you just see his seat, at the top edge of the photo.
(and i got 3 birthday cakes! and mail/email/phone calls, thanks!!!)

My lovely Virginia, takes me for a drive to Dalton Post, on the Haines road.
On the Alaska highway we drive towards the Kluane Range, who's mountains i saw yesterday from 90 km distance. Here in Haines Junction they tower right above the town.

The Haines road is lined all the way, with fields of Fireweed. And Dezadeash lake deep blue. The mountains gorgeous, higher and closer by. Somewhere we take a dirt road steep down into the valley.
To come out by the two rivers meeting. Virginia catches that fish that got away and i do lots of sketching.
And we enjoy the heat! on the way back we have to stop at Kathleen lake for a dip. The water close to the shore is relatively warm.

Thanks for another good one, blessed that i am now almost half way.:)


  1. Happy Birthday Jozien.
    Nice to get phone calls and cake and 30C that's a bonus.
    Rien talked about your birthday, last night but we had the computer off because of thunderstorms.
    You seem to have much nicer weather then we do. Is that unusual? We might have the coldest July on record depending on the next few days.

  2. Thanks Anja! Yours coming up August 11! Right?

  3. Happy Birthday, sweetie.

    I toast you with my clear water, reserving the champagne for those who still have quaffing privileges.

  4. Happy Birthday!!!
    It sounds wonderful.
    Hope it's a great year, almost halfway :)

  5. Happy birthday! And what a great way to spend your day! May you have the best year ever (I just turned 50 and I'm loving it).

  6. Happy Birthday! What a wonderful day you had. I turned 55 this year and am content.
