Friday, July 17, 2009


flowers blooming everywherea gentian

I will post them again on my flower blog.
So that's what i do these days
walk around
listening to the birds
running after butterflies
squirrels and the likes
scurry away
when i get too close
and i am
looking at the flowers
taking pictures
The skies are still magnificent
puffy white clouds
in blue skies
and sunshine
I sit on a rock
with a friend
lots of talking
oh and yesterday
i swam again
in the Yukon river
the weather is
like the weather
should be
summer heat
i'll soak it in


  1. Thanks for your comment Jozien. It's been fun to get into cooler weather: I'm sure it's beautiful weather up in the Yukon, although the snow up there is beautiful too from the pictures I've seen from your blog. It's a relief to be into cool summer temperature compared to normal Florida fare. I had a speedy connection today, I haven't been able to visit blogs because our connection is very poky, but every once in a while there is a window where it's a little peppier. Take Care, Bob

  2. I see you dancing
    and being alive
    and in the present
    between your colourfull shining flowers,
    enjoying the sun and heat
    in the wild


  3. Hi Robert, yes, beautiful weather here, but probably like in Belgium. Although i do hear it is raining cats and dogs there now. Aria...I was dancing, thanks.
