Thursday, January 22, 2009

to be interviewed

Thanks Sue and Anja, for volunteering to be interviewed by me.
You know, i don't know how to create a link, i don't even know if that's what you call it. Anyway when you would like to check out these 2 blogs, from 2 very special women.
You just click on 'Keep in Touch' or 'Anja's photo journal', on the right hand side of this page under 'blogs I read'.
And Anja and Sue, i'll be in touch.....


  1. Creating links -

  2. Thanks! I'm looking forward to it! :)

  3. Hi Murray, thanks! I am still trying to create a link. But for me all help i get is written in computer language, which is fine for the computer savvy among us.
    I'll get there, it's maybe just like climbing a mountain.

  4. Oh, I see where the confusion is - you're not using html. Where you type in your post, you'll see this icon - click on that to create a link.

  5. Hi Jozien
    The inteview is done. I didn't look at Sue's blog untill I was done myself but it's fun to see what we did with the same questions. This was fun! Thanks!
