Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sun wind water

Waking up this morning it was still drizzling a bit.
Soon the sunrise made all the snow pink.
Off i went on my 'pelicans' again. I don't know if these peltonens are the best choice for a ski today, but i kind of like them now. You might think me rich, having all those skis. But those are actually bought some 30 years ago, probably 3th hand, the original owner of boots and skis, the Don Sumanik.

The sky is incredible again today. The skiing excellent. The snow different again. Another confession; i never use wax (there might be some 20 year old clister on my skis). Skiing up hill and downhill with ease. The lake a little tricky as i sink in too deep and sometimes the whole snowbed drops down. Walking in the snow is easier again too, besides that it has shrunk it is now so soft, that it melts while you step in it.

I am of to the water again, and get rewarded handsomely. The pools, which i also posted in the 'dancing' post, are clear with water. There are a few more pools now, one that my ski trail goes through. There's ice underneath, i speed through it and don't get wet feet.
The birds are active now it's warm. Ravens fly over and I scare some grey jays in the trees along the lake. Chickadees in the forest.
On my way back, on a South slope my ski trail shines as silver in the sun.

1 comment:

  1. How beautiful! The January Thaw... I love your new photos.

    While here in the east, south from where you are, we've finally gotten a little bit of snow to stick.

    I only went skiing one time. I was very uncoordinated and scared of the tall mountain slope. My boys love to ski, and we've rented them skis for the winter. They love to ski as fast down the mountain as they can. I might have liked skiing if anyone around here did cross country. Maybe next time our family goes skiing, I'll try to rent some cross country skis and see how I do, instead of sitting by the fireplace with a book :)
